Behavioural Event Interview Training
Do your current selection processes sufficiently uncover past behaviour and performance?
Recruitment interviews aren’t always given the attention they deserve. A quick review of the job description, if there is one, identifies at best some competency based questions that you want answers too. But all too often the answers to those questions, when asked in interview, will tell you what you want to hear, and not actually what the individual has done in the past. This is important. It is past performance that best predicts future performance. So, what’s needed is a way to find out how an individual has operated in the past.
Behavioural event interviewing (an advanced form of structured interviewing) gathers evidence of past behaviour against an agreed competency framework. The interviewee is guided to tell the ‘story’ of successful and unsuccessful outcomes in recent business roles whilst the interviewer skilfully probes and clarifies exactly how success was achieved.
When we carry out these interviews on behalf of our clients an accredited interviewer evaluates the ‘story’ they’re told by the individual using the Schroder High Performance Management Competency (HPMC) Framework. A report is produced to summarise the evidence and present the evaluation of the individual’s capability in terms of the 11 behaviourally based competencies.
A richer picture of the individual can be gained by combining the behavioural event interview with psychometric testing. See (link to Executive/Leadership Profiling page) The business benefits of behavioural event interviewing:
- Shown to have 50% more predictive validity than traditional interviewing
- Especially effective when evaluating candidates for senior roles
- Captures evidence of individual performance against a framework of behaviours required to succeed in a dynamic and challenging role
- The experience is more pleasant for the interviewee, allowing them to give an accurate account of their capabilities, and gain a positive impression of the hiring organisation
Behavioural event interviews should only be conducted by a trained interviewer to ensure your selection process is valid, robust, reliable and defensible. Getfeedback has over 10 years of experience in training and accrediting HR professionals in the art of behavioural event interviewing. Our four-day Behavioural Event Interviewing Accreditation Programme includes in-depth learning about the Schroder HPMC framework as we have designed it to provide individuals with the necessary skills to conduct these interviews as part of their recruitment and development processes.
For further information on our highly renowned Behavioural Event Interviewing Accreditation Programme please click here.