Raising self-awareness in a leadership team


My client is keen to develop their leadership team. How can I advise them on raising self-awareness?


Leaders create the environment within which organisations win awards or crash and burn. Leadership development is a hugely challenging consultancy job - it stretches you personally and professionally. It can be hugely rewarding or result in long evening drives gnawing away at why it didn't work as you wanted.

You start by getting leadership teams to look at themselves - something they often don't do a lot. We suggest the best way to do this is through a combination of high quality thought-provoking psychometrics and a 360 survey - so they really see what others think of them.

We'd recommend that you consider combining personality/motivation assessment with measures of reasoning and critical thinking. Indeed, you may simply want to use our Talent in a Box for Development - a selection of what we feel to be the best mix of assessments to get a broad set of information.

To provide an insight into how others see them, we'd suggest you use our off-the-shelf 360 tool - Leadership 360 - although of course we can web-enable your client's 360 survey should they already have one.


Recommended products and services

360 Degree Feedback Survey Leaders

A 360 feedback survey for use by senior managers / leaders.


Rust Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal (RANRA)

Assesses high level numerical reasoning.


Orpheus Personality Questionnaire

A work-based personality questionnaire to help identify typical behaviours and 'fit'.
