Getfeedback's Review in Numbers Abigail Clayton

Abigail Clayton - December 2017


I am immensely proud of the work we have undertaken and the insights provided by our delivery team. This blog in numbers provides a snapshot of the work we have undertaken so far. So, since the year 2000 we have:






Supported 952 clients in getting the most from their people (a constantly increasing figure accurate as of 8th December 2017). We can't wait to meet our 1000th client next year!


Getfeedback Client List





Utilised our platform in 49 different languages...


Getfeedback Languages


Developed our own leading-edge tools including:






9 off the shelf Schroder Based 360s:


360 Degree Feedback



Our world leading MyStrength competency self-assessment tool:







and developed a further 3 reports for the Intrinsic Motivation tool building on its robustness, reliability and validity and the great work of its author Roland Tarleton.







Seen over 1,500,000 surveys completed on our platform with over 50,000,000 answers to individual questions recorded, scored and reported on.


Our 1.5 million surveys





Supported clients in 6 out of the 7 continents (we are still waiting for that lucrative first piece of work in Antarctica)


Covering 6 continents





In 2018 we will turn 18 with all the responsibility that holds. We look forward to welcoming our 1000th client to the team- if you don't work with us already could that be you?