Technology - fast, secure and fit for purpose
You'll be pleased to know we provide online technology to some of the world's most security conscious organisations.
Getfeedback was founded on its technology platform and we provide online technology to some of the world’s most security conscious organisations. Our reputation for creating one of the most secure, intuitive, high performance assessment and testing platforms is something we are very proud of.
Modules include:
- Online psychometric testing
- Online 360 feedback
- Employee feedback surveying
- Customer satisfaction surveying
- Multi-lingual surveys available in over 25 languages
- Applicant Tracking System Integration
- Learning management
You can link all the modules together for one stop shop for all your people assessment needs.
Learn more about our user friendly and reliable administration system here.
Exactly how secure is it ?
Our system is very secure. We aim for payment card industry (PCI) compliance as an absolute minimum.
Read our Data Protection Policy
Read how we helped leading IT security company Integralis eliminate their ongoing obstacles to success.
How fast is it ?
The last time we stress-tested our system it could handle well over 250 concurrent survey submissions per second - which is pretty fast! In real terms we've regularly supported a global 360 degree feedback programme for over 2000 managers in just 4 weeks. If you are interested in Global Reach then please read how we enabled a precision measurement strategy in Bayer Diagnostics' for their 7000 employees in more than 45 countries and over 15 languages.
If you want more detailed technical information about our systems then contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions.