Sosie provides an online measure of an individual’s values and personality traits. Sosie provides an individual’s personality against the big 5 model as well as insight into their interpersonal and personal values.


Initially developed from the tests of Leonard Gordon: Personal Profile Inventory, Survey of Personal Values, and Survey of Interpersonal Values, Sosie provides an in-depth look into an individual’s traits, personal and interpersonal values.
Traits and values are linked to job satisfaction and the "fit" to a role or organisational culture offers insight in to someone's motivation, job-satisfaction, organisational commitment and ultimately performance.
What does SOSIE measure?
- 8 traits which map on the BIG FIVE factors (OCEAN) of trait personality
- 6 interpersonal values - important when individuals interact
- 6 personal values that are more internally focused
Sosie is suitable for use in recruitment, career guidance, personal and leadership development and coaching.
There are 3 reports available for use with the Sosie assessment.
- Profile report – basic score report for use by experienced practitioners
- Interview report – detailed report, including interview questions relating to respondent's self reporting
- Feedback report - suitable for the respondent to take away
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At a glance
To assess the values and personality of an individual
Target group
Senior managers
80 statements
Approximately 30 minutes - untimed
Can be used alongside...
RANRA and Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal
Delivery options
Fully outsourced to be managed by Getfeedback or, providing that the user meets the accreditation requirements, can be managed in-house
Customisable options
Can be branded to meet your requirements
Accreditation requirement
British Psychological Society (BPS) Level B accreditation
Recognition as a high quality tool
Conforms to BPS and American Psychological Association guidelines
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+44 (0) 333 090 2580