Developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford and based upon David Kolb's Learning Cycle the Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ) measures an employees' preferred style of learning.

Learning Styles Questionnaire

The LSQ has been used extensively within organisations and schools for over 30 years to measure learning preferences in individuals. Its model is designed to help individuals think about and understand the way they learn from their experiences.
The LSQ is designed to measure an individual's preferences at each stage of the learning cycle and is available in 7 languages; UK English, French, Dutch, Spanish, German, Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.
The assessment includes both a profile report and a development planning tool for individuals to use to help them identify and improve their weaker learning capabilities. The tool reports on 4 different learning styles identified by Honey and Mumford and helps individuals learn how to make the most of their strongest style and how they can develop their weaker styles.
The four learning styles
Learning Style | Type of Learner | Type of Learner |
Activists | Hands on | Trial and error |
Reflectors | Tell me | Briefed before proceeding |
Theorists | Convince me | Clarity - Does this make sense? |
Pragmatists | Show me | Likes an expert to demonstrate |
Being aware of how you learn most effectively allows you to:
- Match learning opportunities with how you learn best - this makes your learning easier, more effective and more enjoyable.
- Become an all-round learner - this increases your versatility to learn from a wide variety of different experiences; some formal, some informal, some planned and some spontaneous.
- Improve your learning skills and processes - increasing your awareness of how you learn opens up the whole process to self-scrutiny and improvement.
Which Learning Styles Questionnaire is best for you?
There are two versions of the LSQ, the 80-item which is the original questionnaire and 40-Item which was developed in 2000. Both are available online via the Getfeedback assessment platform.
80 item | 40 item |
Takes circa 20 minutes to complete | Takes circa 10 minutes to complete |
Ideal for people who want a more comprehensive questionnaire (i.e. 20 items per style instead of 10) | Ideal as an initial introduction for people who have not previously given much consideration to how they learn |
Better for a longer session where there is time to explore learning styles and the suggestions for action in more depth | Useful if time is at a premium - the questionnaire takes less time to complete and score |
More likely to appeal to traditionalists who want to use the original Honey & Mumford questionnaire | Helps people stay focused - there are fewer suggestions for action to choose between, and the wording is concise |
Benefits of use
- Determines preferred learning style of individuals and teams
- Helps employees to realise how they prefer to learn
- Helps to improve self-awareness
- Self-directed learning- saves time and reduces costs
The LSQ provides a report including scores and a development planning section. Click here to view a sample LSQ report.
Next steps?
Get in touch today and speak with one of our highly experience consultants to discuss you requirements and how we can support you getting started.
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At a glance
To assess an individual's learning preferences
Target group
Suitable for all individuals
40/80 statements
Approximately 10/20 minutes
Delivery options
Fully outsourced to be managed by Getfeedback or can be managed in-house.
Customisable options
Can be combined with other instruments and offered as part of a branded test centre
Accreditation requirement
No accrieditation required to use
Recognition as a high quality tool
Conforms to British Psychological Society guidelines
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